Le Petit Conservatoire des Saveurs

Nous contacter

45 Rue du Moulin d'Huile,  30260 St.Clément,  FRANCE

+33 6 85 43 67 50   (Mobile cell phone)





Nearest airports:

Montpellier (MPL) - preferred.  You can also take flights to Nîmes (FNI) during summer months.  Marseille (MRS) is possible, but will incur an extra pickup charge.

Nearest train stations:

Montpellier-Sud-de-France TGV is our preferred station. If not available, then Nîmes Centre can be used.


Horaires de contact

Any day of the week between 9am and 9pm CET will probably get us. However, we may be traveling, so best to send an email please.

Il reste quelques erreurs à corriger.
