Nous contacter
45 Rue du Moulin d'Huile, 30260 St.Clément, FRANCE
+33 6 85 43 67 50 (Mobile cell phone)
Nearest airports:
Montpellier (MPL) - preferred. You can also take flights to Nîmes (FNI) during summer months. Marseille (MRS) is possible, but will incur an extra pickup charge.
Nearest train stations:
Montpellier-Sud-de-France TGV is our preferred station. If not available, then Nîmes Centre can be used.
- Adresse : 45 rue du Moulin d'Huile, 30260, Saint-Clément, France
- Téléphone : +33668575050
Horaires de contact
Any day of the week between 9am and 9pm CET will probably get us. However, we may be traveling, so best to send an email please.